… an attempt to consolidate and synthesize all my previous work.
Leading question: why is it so natural in algebra to treat elements as both “objects” and “actions”? In $x-y$, have $x$ is the “object” and $y$ is the “action” (via $-$), and yet both are “elements” of $\mathbb R$. What gives?
In other words. Consider each of: (1) linear transformations and matrices; (2) the number line and translations, dilations; (3) the complex plane and rotations, dilations, translations. Each sounds like a set of objects paired with a set of actions. But, in fact, we express them as a set of objects paired with operations. Why?
Usually think of operations as functions $S^n \to S$, but equivalent is to think of them as functions $S \to (S^{n-1} \to S)$.
This gives rise to rephrasing of well-known properties:
Interesting property: translations are decided by a single value. That is, given $a, b \in \mathbb R$ and witness $x_0$ to $(+\ a)(x_0) = (+\ b)(x_0)$ then we have $a = b$. True of dilations and other things as well; not true in general.
Incomplete thought: the naive way to think about translations is probably to reify translations on $\mathbb R$ as the set of “arrows” or “deltas” $\text{Tl} = \mathbb R^2 / \sim$ where $(a, b) \sim (x, y)$ when $b - a = y - x$
Write an element of this quotient set as $a \leadsto b$, and let $\star : \mathbb R \times \text{Tl} \to \mathbb R$ such that $x \star (x_0 \leadsto x_f) = x + (x_f - x_0)$, so eg $2 \star (4 \leadsto 5) = 3$
Then at some point we recognize that $\text{Tl} \cong \mathbb R$ and define $x + t = x \star (0 \leadsto t)$
Something like that?
One potential way to bring light to the situation is to take a step back and construct an abstraction where our values and actions are distinct
Say, 3-tuples $(S, A, \ell)$ with $\ell : A \to (S \to S)$ — $S$ is ‘state’, $A$ is ‘action’
Then we have natural examples like $(X, X \to X, \text{id})$ and $(\Sigma^\star, \mathbb N, \text{repeat})$ and $(\text {Set}(X), X, \text{add})$
Call such 3-tuples, idk, threes, and also say a three is:
Then we have (I think)
That is, a magma/semigroup/monoid can be seen as degenerate cases of threes; a semigroup “is” a structure where values are actions and actions can be composed.
Probably could rephrase much of algebra this way!
Unrelated, but I want to hang onto it:
A commutative magma is a set $A$ paired with a mapping $[\cdot] : A \to A^A$. For $a, b \in A$, we write $a[b]$ for $b$.
A commutative magma …